Born in Germany, 1951, Ulrich Dopatka became a Swiss citizen in 1989. A certified librarian specializing in library automation systems and international database information retrieval, he was responsible for the Bern University Library automation network until 2016. Ulrich Dopatka has worked for the University of Zürich, IBM, and until 1999, was engaged as an independent library automation consultant. Dopatka is organizing the World Discoveries Forum (an event by World Discoveries Organization ) - an interdisciplinary scientific event wich takes place every year.

Following his passion for science, Dopatka is a certified scientific journalist (Swiss Media Center), and since 1969 has dedicated his interest to all aspects regarding SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and SETA (Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts) and exoarchaeology. His studies focus on serious and scientific exploration of indications supporting arguments for an intensified search for artifacts and examinations of related discoveries within the planetary system.

Ulrich Dopatka is following the activities of various research asscociations...

  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Ancient Astronaut Society
  • Astronomische Vereinigung Zürich (Mitglied im Dachverband der Schweizerischen Astronomischen Gesellschaft)
  • Berner Schrifterstellerinnen, Schriftsteller Verein
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal - Oberth e.V.
  • Deutschschweizerisches PEN-Zentrum
  • Forschungsgesellschaft für Archäologie Astronautik und SETI (A.A.S. und A.A.S. R.A.)
  • Gesellschaft Schweizer Forschungsinformation
  • Institutum Canarium
  • ISSOL - The International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (Astrobiology)
  • New York Academy of Sciences
  • Planetary Society
  • Pro Litteris
  • Schweizer Klub der Wissenschaftsjournalisten
  • Schweizerische Raumfahrt-Vereinigung
  • Schweizerischer Schriftstellerinnen- und Schriftsteller-Verband
  • Society for Scientific Exploration
  • Verband der Bibliotheken und der BibliothekareInnen der Schweiz
  • World Archaeological Congress
  • World Discoveries Organisation and Word Discoveries Forum